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Does ABIT mainboard based on Intel 440BX, i810 and i815 series support Intel new Celeron 1.0A/1.10A/1.2/1.3GHz processor? (BX133 / BE6 / BE6-II / BF6 / BH6 / BM6 / BP6 / BX6 / ZM6 / SA6 / SE6 / SL6 / VA6 / VL6 / VT6X4 / VH6)


  1. Intel new 1.0A / 1.10A / 1.2 / 1.3GHz Celeron is with 0.13 micron process technology, 1.475V or 1.50V core voltage, and especially a little different pin-outs definition, so it's not compatible with old design mainboards.
  2. ABIT ST6, ST6E and VH6T could support this processor via BIOS patch.

For more detail, please refer to Intel Web Site: http://support.intel.com/support/processors/sspec/icp.htm

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