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How come the KR7A can't read the CPU fan speed? (KR7A/KR7A-RAID)



How come the KR7A can't read the CPU fan speed? (KR7A/KR7A-RAID)


  1. Please refer to user's manual section 2-4, page 2-9. The fan1 header is for CPU fan, and fan2 header for chassis fan. If "current CPUFAN speed" reports NA in PC Health page, but "chassis FAN speed" is with reading, it may indicate that CPU fan is wrongfully connected to fan2 header.
  2. If the fan speed is too high or too low, higher than 7000 RPM or lower than 2600 RPM, BIOS code may ignore it and report "NA".
  3. The CPU fan or chassis fan should be three wires, with signal wire for fan speed detection; otherwise PC Health will report "NA".


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