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Top Page FAQs How to use TwinView


This TwinView tab allows you to connect two separate output devices (analog monitor, digital flat panel or TV) to a single graphics card.

For Windows 98/ME:

  • TwinView Standard Mode (TwinView disabled): Use this mode if you have only one display device attached to your ABIT graphics adapter.
  • TwinView Clone Mode: This mode outputs an exact copy of the primary display on the secondary device.

    To enable Clone Mode, select Clone Mode and click OK or Apply. Both display monitors now display the same image.

    To disable Clone Mode, select Standard Mode and click OK or Apply.

  • Display: Displays all current TwinView displays. If more than one device is connected and you have switched to a mode other than Standard, you select which display is the current display. You can also click on the monitor graphic in the control directly above to select it as the current display.

  • Disable auto-panning on clone device (viewport lock): Turning on this feature will lock the current pan position on the currently selected display. This lets you effectively "freeze" the virtual desktop at a certain position. This is useful for presentations or fine detail work in applications.
  • Force detection of a monitor on the secondary connector: Check this box if you have a monitor connected to the secondary display connector that is not being detected. This is useful for older monitors or monitors connected with BNC connectors.
  • Device Settings: Click this button to setup or change settings related to the output device used for the current display.

For Windows 2000:

  • The TwinView functions in Windows 2000 are almost the same as Windows 98/ME except the Extended Desktop Mode is divided into two separate controls: Horizontal Span and Vertical Span.
  • Standard Mode (TwinView disabled): Use this mode if you have only one display device attached to your graphics adapter.
  • Clone Mode: This mode outputs an exact copy of the primary display on the secondary device.
  • Horizontal Span: This mode allows you to extend the Windows desktop across two display devices horizontally. In this mode the two displays combine to form one large spanned display surface, which is useful when viewing items that are wider then a single display.
  • Vertical Span: This mode allows you to extend the Windows desktop across two display devices vertically. In this mode the two displays combine to form one large spanned display surface, which is useful when viewing items that are wider then a single display.



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