There is infinite loop or NV Loop/BSOD error on motherboards based
on VIA chipsets .
The error normally occurs under a Direct3D or OpenGL application,
on systems using a GeForce 2 or GeForce 3 video card with WinXP
and the Nvidia detonator drivers 23.11 or 21.83. There are reports,
however, of the issue occurring under Win2K. There are also reports
of this occurring with ATI video cards but this has not been confirmed
by VIA.
OpenGL - spontaneous reboot, hardware lockup or insufficient
virtual memory error from WinXP
Direct 3D - Hardware lockup, BSOD with a message about an
infinite loop error with a Nvidia driver
BSOD error message - this varies but refers to a problem
with "nv4_disp.dll"
There is an article descript the issue on VIA web site: http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=64