Topic: New TH7-II Bios just put up on Abit FTP.
Member # 1429
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posted November 21, 2001 15:45
Here you go guys and gals. Enjoy. Haven't tried it myself. Not sure what they did to it but here's what the text file says.1. Some modification to improve the WHQL status. 2. HPT370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. 3. BIOS compile date: 10/04/2001  [ November 21, 2001: Message edited by: MrNatural ] -------------------- Later. TRSanders AKA: Mr. Natural WebSite: If we go through life walking in the footsteps of others, then we will never leave out own impression
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Member # 3195
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posted November 22, 2001 03:07
Flashed with the new bios. Suspend issues still remain, probably drivers for HD, etc. Suspend light now stays on at all times, where before under Me and W2K only on when system in suspend.Can boot w/1.7 to 2.0 gig, but AGP Ge3 (Visiontek) card will freeze, needs a little more juice than 1.85. Anyone able to do a hack on the bios and up the vcore volts? Similar to the Softmenu III vcore options? HTP included in the bios, i believe is 103b1, per txt file included. Have not noted anything else yet. Spanky
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Member # 3195
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posted November 22, 2001 10:21
Mr. Natural:How do you do the vmod you spoke of. I think if I could get to 1.90-1.95 I could run my Geforce and board at 2+, but at 1.85 teh G3 (opengl) craps out... not enough juice, though the system will run fine when in XP! I have a TH7-RAID Tks Spanky [ November 22, 2001: Message edited by: Spanky ]
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Member # 3808
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posted November 22, 2001 19:47
@th7II(raid) owners:NEW BIOS DOES NOT FIX THE DIVIDER BUG !! STILL NO COLD BOOT AT "FIX" AND "2/4" !! DAMN SHIT, abit really pisses me off. (worst thing is there is no alternative for this board)
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Member # 3315
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posted November 23, 2001 05:17
Same is here, just flashed and tested.F*** divider bug. I remember some guy in this forum posted ABIT has told him they gonna fix this problem. Still waiting... Luigi
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Member # 3155
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posted November 23, 2001 10:00
I have a P4 1.7......which we all know is 100fsb X 17I have my FSB set at: 120 X 17 for a OC to 2040. I set the divider to: FIX TO 66. I set the RAM to AUTO and 4X. The PC boots cold or warm, with no trouble. Before this bios update, it would not boot at all cold, and only sometimes warm, and most of the time it would corrupt my hard drive. So far, I have no trouble. The divider may not be fixed, but my machine boots now...........what else could it be?
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Member # 3195
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posted November 23, 2001 10:10
Mr. Natural,I have found on this board, like others from ABIT, that I can OC the system and generally need only modest bumps in the vcore to accomplish the OC'ing. However, when I run any opengl games, the video will lock up usually after a short time. I have discovered that by a small bump in the vcore, I no longer get video freezing. this solution has worked for me on BP6's, Pt4's, CUSL2's, ect, and now on the TH7. Normally I try and run the vcore at the very lowest to get the board to boot to windows stably. Once that is done and stable, I then run Q3, and have always found an additional small boost of vcore to solve the Geforce/video from freezing up! Wish I could get to 1.90, because 1.85 is soooooooo very close to stable with the G3 at 2.0+ gig on my 1.7, but just not quite enough. Downclocking the G3 does not solve the problem. I have noticed that with this new bios, I can now run stable at 2.0+ gigs, as long as I don't run opengl. Before this new bios, max was 115 FSB. Regards, Spanky
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Member # 1429
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posted November 23, 2001 12:30
Spanky. Here's links to 2 pics that will show you where you need to do the mod at. Use a 50kohm pot. Attach it to pin 7 of the chip in the pics. Then to adjust your core voltage boot into your bios and set your voltage at 1.85 and then reboot. When it restarts go back to your bios again and start to turn the pot up until your voltage is running between 1.96 and 2.0. Then set your bus at the desired speed and reboot.TH7-Raid VMOD Pic 1 TH7-Raid VMOD Pic 2  -------------------- Later. TRSanders AKA: Mr. Natural WebSite: If we go through life walking in the footsteps of others, then we will never leave out own impression
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Member # 3195
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posted November 25, 2001 02:06
Mr. Nat.As I read your photo, there is one lead to pin 7 to the pot, and then (harder to see) a black lead to ground off of the pot? Also looks like you made the pot attached to the read of the case so you could adjust from the outside of the case? Also, when you are adjusting the pot, are you reading the voltage adjustment from the bios, or a VOM? Tks for the insight and info on the mod... and the pics. Spanky
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