Hello Everyone,
What's inside your box.Is anyone interested in doing a Study of hardware vs: Software vs: Motherboard Bugs/Problems.
If you are seriously interested then E-Mail me at [email protected] Note: Write the Subject Line = ABIT Survey Participant
If you are interested, let me know by responding to this post. I need 20 or more people interested to be able to get a good average for the problems and issues. If only 2 or 3 people respond it may not be worth the time to do a study.
I can post the charts and study data on my personal web site
If I get enough people interested, I will then e-mail the participants the Survey form for completion. Just fill it out then e-mail it back to me.
I am taking a Survey to find what common hardware is being used.
Secondly, State what problems/Issues you are dealing with.
Pupose of this Database: To form a tabulation of hardware, software, and motherboard problems.
Recipients of Collected Data: Ultimately I will present the findings to Abit, as a formal request to fix the issues before us. People which send me data will receive a complete analysis report e-mailed back to them upon completion of the study.
I will not POST the entire analysis on this Forum, due to lack of adequate space and availability.
Who will benefit from the Study: The participants of this POST.
Why waste my time: Because I am The GeekMaster and through my effort maybe myself and others can benefit from the study.
The Info I need is:
1) Your Online Name, or any name for that matter to identify yourself.
2) Motherboard TH7/TH7-Raid or TH7II/TH7II-Raid.
Note: There are 4 motherboards here- Raid and non-raid, 423 and 478. Of which, any individual board may have a simular or different issue to it's relative board. Be sure to be exact, If you Know.
Also: If you know what the Motherboard Hardware Revision is on your board. You can get this from SiSoft Sandra or from the sticker on the Bottom of your motherboard.
3) The CPU Type and speed.
4) Are you overclocking, if so what are the Bios settings you use to do so. What speed does it run at. Be Specific, try not to leave anything out.
5) Hard drives you have installed and what port they are on. If you use Raid, then what type, include all hard drives in your system.
6) CD-CDrom devices and what port they are connected to.
7) Video card, What is the cards chipset If you know? and What speed are you running it at, Do you use AGP Tweeking programs to increase the AGP bus frequency.
8) Amount of INSTALLED Ram. What kind, What size, ECC or Non-ECC, Speed, etc.
What speed do you run the RAM at,
300Mhz, 400Mhz or Auto? If you are overclocking then tell me the FSB speed and weather you have the Ram set to 300,400 or Auto.
9) What Drivers do you use for your Motherboard, VGA card and Sound Card.
Note: If you are having issues with your motherboard and a specific card, then be sure to tell me what drivers you use and any related software which could affect the system.
10) Which Bios Rev are you using?
11) Which operating system are you using? is your Operating system a Beta or released version? If beta version then which version?
12) Specific issue which you wish to fix through this study?
13) State your Bios settings for:
a) CPU speed,
b) Ram Speed and Differential Current for Ram setting,
c) Vcore Voltage: setting and reported values,
d) ACPI settings S1 or S3,
e) Fan Monitoring/Fail settings,
F) anything else you feel could be effecting your board and particular situation.
Please give me as much information as humanly possible, be specific in hardware, software and what you are trying to accomplish by participating in this study.
The GeekMaster
[email protected]