Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year :-)

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Doesn't the KA7 User's Manual indicate that the Core Voltage can be adjusted to 2.05V manually? Why is it that when I use the AMD K7 800MHZ CPU , the maximum Vcore is limited to 1.9V only ?


On the KA7 the lowest Vcore is 1.3V, and the highest is based on what your CPU default Vcore is. Plus 0.2V is the maximum. EX:

  • AMD-500 ~750MHZ    1.6V(Up to 1.8V )
  • AMD-800 ~850MHZ    1.7V(Up to 1.9V )
  • AMD-900 ~1GMHZ    1.8V(Up to 2.0V )

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